
A global API which provides functions dedicated to creating and otherwise manipulating matrices
Accessed using the name "matrices"


Creates a new Matrix2 that scales by the specified factors
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
vec accepts a Vector2
Return Value a Matrix2
overload 2:
matrices.scale2(x, y)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix2


Creates a new Matrix3 that rotates by the specified angle around the X axis
Angle is given in degrees
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
angle accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix3


Creates a new Matrix3 that rotates by the specified angle around the Y axis
Angle is given in degrees
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
angle accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix3


Creates a Matrix3 using the given parameters as columns
If you call the function with no parameters,
returns the 3x3 identity matrix
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
Return Value a Matrix3
overload 2:
matrices.mat3(col1, col2, col3)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
col1 accepts a Vector3
col2 accepts a Vector3
col3 accepts a Vector3
Return Value a Matrix3


Creates a Matrix4 using the given parameters as columns
If you call the function with no parameters,
returns the 4x4 identity matrix
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
Return Value a Matrix4
overload 2:
matrices.mat4(col1, col2, col3, col4)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
col1 accepts a Vector4
col2 accepts a Vector4
col3 accepts a Vector4
col4 accepts a Vector4
Return Value a Matrix4


Creates a new Matrix2 that rotates by the specified angle
Angle is given in degrees
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
angle accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix2


Creates a Matrix2 using the given parameters as columns
If you call the function with no parameters,
returns the 2x2 identity matrix
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
Return Value a Matrix2
overload 2:
matrices.mat2(col1, col2)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
col1 accepts a Vector2
col2 accepts a Vector2
Return Value a Matrix2


Creates a new Matrix3 that rotates by the specified angles
Angles are given in degrees,
and the rotation order is ZYX
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
vec accepts a Vector3
Return Value a Matrix3
overload 2:
matrices.rotation3(x, y, z)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
z accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix3


Creates a new Matrix4 that rotates by the specified angle around the Y axis
Angle is given in degrees
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
angle accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix4


Creates a new Matrix3 that translates by the specified offset
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
vec accepts a Vector2
Return Value a Matrix3
overload 2:
matrices.translate3(x, y)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix3


Creates a new Matrix4 that translates by the specified offset
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
vec accepts a Vector3
Return Value a Matrix4
overload 2:
matrices.translate4(x, y, z)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
z accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix4


Creates a new Matrix3 that scales by the specified factors
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
vec accepts a Vector3
Return Value a Matrix3
overload 2:
matrices.scale3(x, y, z)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
z accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix3


Creates a new Matrix4 that rotates by the specified angles
Angles are given in degrees,
and the rotation order is ZYX
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
vec accepts a Vector3
Return Value a Matrix4
overload 2:
matrices.rotation4(x, y, z)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
z accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix4


Creates a new Matrix3 that rotates by the specified angle around the Z axis
Angle is given in degrees
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
angle accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix3


Creates a new Matrix4 that rotates by the specified angle around the Z axis
Angle is given in degrees
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
angle accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix4


Creates a new Matrix4 that scales by the specified factors
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
vec accepts a Vector3
Return Value a Matrix4
overload 2:
matrices.scale4(x, y, z)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
z accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix4


Creates a new Matrix4 that rotates by the specified angle around the X axis
Angle is given in degrees
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
angle accepts a Number
Return Value a Matrix4
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