
A texture object, either generated by the model or created with the TextureAPI


Returns this texture name
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
Return Value a String


Updates the texture to the GPU, applying all the changes
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
Return Value a Texture


Sets the RGBA color of the entire specified region
overload 1:
Texture:fill(x, y, width, height, rgb)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
width accepts an Integer
height accepts an Integer
rgb accepts a Vector3
Return Value a Texture
overload 2:
Texture:fill(x, y, width, height, rgba)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
width accepts an Integer
height accepts an Integer
rgba accepts a Vector4
Return Value a Texture
overload 3:
Texture:fill(x, y, width, height, r, g, b, a)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
width accepts an Integer
height accepts an Integer
r accepts a Number
g accepts a Number
b accepts a Number
a accepts a Number
Return Value a Texture


Returns a base64 string representation of this texture
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
Return Value a String


Returns this texture resource path location
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
Return Value a String


Returns a vector of this texture width and height
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
Return Value a Vector2


Restores the texture to its original state, before any modifications
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
Return Value a Texture


Calls the given function on the specified area of this texture, it will iterate over each pixel, giving its current x, y, and color as arguments, the color is a vec4 in RGBA format, and the return value will set that pixel's color
Invalid return values or nil takes no effects
overload 1:
Texture:applyFunc(x, y, width, height, func)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
width accepts an Integer
height accepts an Integer
func accepts a function that takes a Vector4, a Number and a Number and will return either a Vector4 or nil
Return Value a Texture


Sets the RGBA color of the specified pixel
overload 1:
Texture:setPixel(x, y, rgb)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
rgb accepts a Vector3
Return Value a Texture
overload 2:
Texture:setPixel(x, y, rgba)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
rgba accepts a Vector4
Return Value a Texture
overload 3:
Texture:setPixel(x, y, r, g, b, a)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
r accepts a Number
g accepts a Number
b accepts a Number
a accepts a Number
Return Value a Texture


Gets the RGBA color from the specified pixel
overload 1:
Texture:getPixel(x, y)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
Return Value a Vector4


Transforms all pixels in the specified area of this texture by the matrix
If `clip` is true,
the resulting colour channels will be clamped between 0 and 1
overload 1:
Texture:applyMatrix(x, y, width, height, matrix, clip)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
width accepts an Integer
height accepts an Integer
matrix accepts a Matrix4
clip accepts a Boolean
Return Value a Texture


Sets the RGBA color of the specified pixel
overload 1:
Texture:pixel(x, y, rgb)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
rgb accepts a Vector3
Return Value a Texture
overload 2:
Texture:pixel(x, y, rgba)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
rgba accepts a Vector4
Return Value a Texture
overload 3:
Texture:pixel(x, y, r, g, b, a)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts an Integer
y accepts an Integer
r accepts a Number
g accepts a Number
b accepts a Number
a accepts a Number
Return Value a Texture
a a