
Creates and returns a vector of the appropriate size to hold the arguments passed in
For example; if you call vec(3,
4, 0, 2), then the function will return a Vector4 containing those values
There is a global alias "vec" for this function,
meaning the "vectors." can be omitted
overload 1:
vectors.vec(x, y)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
Return Value a Vector2
overload 2:
vectors.vec(x, y, z)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
z accepts a Number
Return Value a Vector3
overload 3:
vectors.vec(x, y, z, w)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
z accepts a Number
w accepts a Number
Return Value a Vector4
overload 4:
vectors.vec(x, y, z, w, t)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
z accepts a Number
w accepts a Number
t accepts a Number
Return Value
overload 5:
vectors.vec(x, y, z, w, t, h)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
x accepts a Number
y accepts a Number
z accepts a Number
w accepts a Number
t accepts a Number
h accepts a Number
Return Value
a a