
Sets a Custom Texture to render in this Action
All values are measured in pixels
Default UV is 0,
0, the default dimensions are the texture dimensions and the default scale of 1
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
texture accepts a Texture
Return Value nil
overload 2:
Action:setTexture(texture, u, v)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
texture accepts a Texture
u accepts a Number
v accepts a Number
Return Value nil
overload 3:
Action:setTexture(texture, u, v, width, height)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
texture accepts a Texture
u accepts a Number
v accepts a Number
width accepts an Integer
height accepts an Integer
Return Value nil
overload 4:
Action:setTexture(texture, u, v, width, height, scale)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
texture accepts a Texture
u accepts a Number
v accepts a Number
width accepts an Integer
height accepts an Integer
scale accepts a Number
Return Value nil
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