
Sets a Custom Texture to render while this Action is being hovered
All values are measured in pixels
Default UV is 0,
0, the default dimensions are the texture dimensions and the default scale of 1
overload 1:
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
texture accepts a Texture
Return Value nil
overload 2:
Action:setHoverTexture(texture, u, v)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
texture accepts a Texture
u accepts a Number
v accepts a Number
Return Value nil
overload 3:
Action:setHoverTexture(texture, u, v, width, height)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
texture accepts a Texture
u accepts a Number
v accepts a Number
width accepts an Integer
height accepts an Integer
Return Value nil
overload 4:
Action:setHoverTexture(texture, u, v, width, height, scale)
Method Property Fluent Description Representation
texture accepts a Texture
u accepts a Number
v accepts a Number
width accepts an Integer
height accepts an Integer
scale accepts a Number
Return Value nil
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